Jessi is a sophomore at the University of Michigan studying Program in the Environment. On campus she is a member of the Student Sustainability Coalition and a Planet Blue Ambassador. She loves longs walks in the Arb, trying new foods from Argus Farm Stop and hammocking on the diag. Jessi's favorite place she has ever visited is Mount Azul on the Galapagos Islands for her senior trip in high school
The Arb Through Jessi's Lens
Eliza: Tell me about why the Arb is special to you
Jessi: I fell in love with the Arb freshman year. I remember first going down the famous Arb hill on a run, originally looking to escape the campus noise. It was a home away from home as I was adjusting to campus. Whenever I got super overwhelmed, I would run to the Arb and just enjoy the peace and quiet in nature. Now, I go down here to run but also to hammock with friends, go on picnics, and relax.
Eliza: Why is nature important to you?
Jessi: The Arb, and anywhere in nature, make me feel at home. I love running, hiking, swimming, and pretty much any outdoor activity. Growing up in West Michigan I was always close to the lake which made me enjoy the outdoors even more. I have so many great memories outside by myself, with friends, and with family.
6-year-old Jessi at her Grandparent's house in Lexington, Kentucky
Eliza: Your childhood sounds like is shaped your love of nature, can you talk to me more about that?
Jessi: Growing up with 4 sibling, my mom always just threw us outside when she needed a break. We would go on bike rides, play in the backyard, and go on walks around the neighbor. I feel like we were all always outside, especially in the summertime. All of our family vacations were camping trips too. We would go to Kentucky because my grandparents lived there and go see the mountains.
Eliza: How do you think this translates into your love for the Arb?
Jessi: Whenever I see families or little kids here, it always reminds me of my family. It's like a feeling of home when I come here. Even though I have only been in Ann Arbor for 2 years, the Arb is familiar, it reminds me of home.
Eliza: Can you walk me through your typical trip to the Arb?
Jessi: Usually I come down to the Arb when I'm super stressed or just need a break from my roommates. I come down through the gate on Oxford and always stop by the bench to get the full view. Then I walk down to the Huron River and sit on the stone steps and journal and just take in the view. I usually listen to music but sometimes I just like listening to the river. When I'm running around the Arb, I love to hit every single spot I can. There's a bunch of hidden trails in the woods and a gap in the fence so I can go on the trail over by Gallup Park.
Eliza: What does sustainability mean to you?
Jessi: To me, sustainability falls under two categories, environmental and social. Environmental sustainability means protecting the environment and each individually doing what we can to make sure our planet is safe, whether it's inventing the cure to the single-use plastic or using a reusable water bottle. Social sustainability is aimed at protecting human rights that are suffering through climate change. It's making sure that everyone has access to good working conditions, food, and clean water.