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  • Writer's pictureEliza Phares

Meet Margaret

Margaret is a junior at the University of Michigan studying UX Design in the School of Information minoring in sustainability. She wants to work in the green technology industry post college, hopefully working for a environmentally conscious company. She believes that the best way to combat climate change on an individual level is to be as sustainably mindful as possible and that overall sustainability needs to be more equitable.

Argo Nature Area and Bandemer Park Through Margaret's Lens

Eliza: Tell me about why Argo Nature Area and Bandemer Park are special to you

Margaret: Last summer I worked at the Argo Livery and absolutely loved it. I got to lead guided tours down the Huron River and just be outside all day in this beautiful park. I would ride my bike to work and when I would get off I would bike around the nature center and in Bandemer Park. I also would watch the sunset with my coworkers over by the boat launch most shifts which was amazing.

Eliza: Why do you love nature? What was special to you about working outside last summer?

Margaret: Honestly, as a kid I was never the one to want to be outside all day. I would rather sit inside and watch a show or read a book. But last summer, I was able to connect a lot more with nature because I was outside so much. I loved my quiet bike rides through the park, hearing the sound of the river, and being able to just lay in the sun without any worries. It was a space where I didn't need to feel constant stress and pressure, especially because I was taking summer classes at the time.

Eliza: How do you think this place changed your relationship with nature?

Margaret: Because I had to be outside, it made me find all of the things that I enjoy within nature. I grew such a special attachment to the nature center and the park because I felt like at the end of the summer I knew every inch of it. Spending 40 hours a week somewhere really makes you connect with it. The job overall made me want to get outside more and explore other areas like this in Ann Arbor.

Eliza: How does your relationship with this space make you strive to be more sustainable?

Margaret: Working in nature really gave me a first-hand perspective on how many problems there are with the environment and how desperately I want to protect nature in general. Seeing trash in the river and seeing people mindlessly littering in the park made me super angry and just want to clean up the space. In terms of sustainability in general, I just want to protect the Earth better. I try to source from sustainable brands, buy eco-friendly alternatives live beeswax wrap and editable toothpaste, and just do my small part to make the planet a better place.

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